Don’t you just hate it when, out of the blue, your HVAC fail to work completely or suddenly give you poor performance?
Maximize the efficiency and performance of your HVAC systems, and avoid unnecessary repairs by performing some regular maintenance work on your unit and following these tips.
Identify Leaks in Your HVAC Ducts
If you feel your HVAC is not performing at its usual standard, you should have it inspected for leaks or check the air ducts yourself. A periodic inspection of the ductwork can save you a pricey HVAC repair in the future.
Seal the Ducts the Proper Way
Turn on the HVAC system and feel along the joints and connections of the duct. In order to seal the duct’s joints effectively, use foil tape or a gooey-like paint like mastic rather than duct tape. Since duct tape is fabric-backed, it will deteriorate more quickly over time, so it is wiser to use foil-backed tape or mastic instead. And as already mentioned, inspect the ducts periodically for signs of leaks.
Correctly sealing or caulking the ducts with the proper caulking tools could save you thousands of dollars for an HVAC repair or replacement.
Perform an Air Duct Test
In addition to an air duct test, a duct blaster test can also be performed to make sure your HVAC system is working well. The duct blaster test combines a pressure gauge and a small fan to measure air leakage, as well as to pressurize the duct system. Ducts that are properly sealed should pass the test.
Insulate the HVAC Ducts
Prevent throwing off colder air or heat by insulating the ducts of your HVAC. Additionally, consider insulating your basement walls, as well. Doing so will make your basement feel more comfortable. Plus, it would help keep moisture at bay and limit escaping heat.
Cleaning and Maintenance of Ducts
Unkempt HVAC systems with filthy fans, coils, and filters can greatly reduce the unit’s performance, limit air flow, and even damage the system. So regular cleaning is a must.
Once a month or as needed, replace or clean the filters of your furnace and air conditioning unit. It is necessary to have the filters replaced when they get filled with dust, so it would not affect the air flow throughout the system.
Either you clean the system yourself, or find a reliable contractor to do the job for you. If you are going to have the ducts and the rest of the system cleaned by a professional, make certain that you find a one that follows the ANSI/ ACCA Standard 6 HVAC System Cleanliness’ procedures.
When it comes to checking the combustion efficiency of your heating system, it is best to have a qualified HVAC company to handle it. Whether the system you have is air or water-based, you will want a certified contractor to inspect the hydronic balance and air flow of the HVAC system. Checking for any trace of smoke or draft is also best left on the hands of a professional.